Monday, December 22, 2008

Birthday Flowers

December has been crazy. But that is not unusual. Dd#1 finished up the classroom portion of the driver's ed class. She has been driving mostly with me and does a great job!

December is always busy with the Sunday School Christmas program. Rehearsals are the first 3 Saturdays in December. I've taken advantage of that time to do a little Christmas shopping. The program was scheduled for yesterday but due to the cold weather it needed to be postponed. Dd#3's part is Mary (which she isn't very excited about to say the least. She really is not comfortable being in front of so many people. That is genetic and runs through the maternal side of my family.) Dd#2 is one of the narrators (all the older kids are narrators). She is happy she doesn't have to wear a costume.

Besides the shopping and trying to finish Christmas knitting projects (blocking on the bed today!) we also had a birthday to celebrate. Dd#2 turned 14!

We signed up to sponsor the altar flowers for the Sunday of dd#2's birthday party so we'd have some pretty flowers on the table. And boy they were gorgeous! We didn't specify anything so we were pleasantly surprised with the arrangement.

This picture doesn't do it justice. And the smell...ooooh so lovely!

None of us at the party knew what these pretty little flowers were. Can any of you identify it for us???

It had little pine-like needles and dainty little white flowers. Many of the little flowers are still closed on this branch.

This branch had mostly opened flowers.


Barb the Evil Genius said...

Happy birthday to DD#2! My DD#1 turned 13 yesterday!

Rick said...

The arrangement is lovely! Sorry I'm no help with the identifying. If you find the name of the plant will you post it?

Marie N. said...

Oops, Sorry I forgot to change identities on blogger!

I still think the arrangement is lovely and I still can't help identify the mystery flowers.

Marie N.

Lotzastitches said...


I knew it was you!

If I find out what that mystery flower is I'll post it.